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ORCA Robot
An HP Optimized Robot for Chemical Analysis (ORCA) system is used to automate the test. The automated approach slashes operator time, significantly reduces the cost of analysis, and multiplies sample throughput. Compared to manual testing, the robotic technique pays for itself in 13 months; compared to two semi-automated workstations, the return on investment is less than 18 months.
Works Overnight and Weekends: The automated system can process many different types of tablets, stored in capped vials on the robotic bench. User-friendly software screens allow the operator to set all necessary parameters easily: type of dissolution media, paddle speed, pH, sampling intervals, temperature, and the analytical method (UV-Vis or HPLC). Different methods may be linked without human intervention to run the system overnight, although the queue file may be modified at any time while the system is running.

The HP-ORCA, Optimized Robot for Chemical Analysis, is a state of the art robot designed and built by Hewlett-Packard. This view consists of the robot, end effectors, and peripheral equipment. The ORCA offers a 6 degree-of-freedom robotic arm that rides on a linear slide. The linear slide provides for more workspace such as that required in analysis labs. The robot has a unique teach pendant that looks like a computer joystick and allows one to move each axis individually. The robot is interfaced with an electronic weigh scale, bar code reader, a mechanism capable of unscrewing round sample containers, a plunger for knocking the particles out of containers, a plunger to drop containers from tubes for the robot to grip and perform analysis.
Robot programming is performed from within Microsoft Windows using the powerful but simple robot language. The language allows one to develop macros to be called at any time. The user can select and copy macros through a graphical user interface and then paste them in the program being developed. One of the features of this robot is the last degree of freedom that can be programmed to apply a certain force while closing the gripper.
Don Ramage was responsible for the Project Management of a high throughput screening(HTS) system centered around a HP-ORCA Robot. Don has patents and copyrights associated with his designs concerning Custom LIMS ©.
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